Improving Understanding of Self-Regulation and Self-Regulated
Learning and Assessment Practices
Project 1: Examining kindergarten policies and practices to foster self-regulation
Funding: SSHRC Institutional Grant (SIG)
Ontario’s full-day kindergarten program was launched in a time and context in which a growing body of evidence points to the importance of play and self-regulation in promoting healthy child development. Therefore, it was not surprising that play and self-regulation were important components of both the Draft Full-Day Kindergarten Program (2010) and the revised Kindergarten Program (Ontario Ministry of Education, 2016). Despite expanding efforts to foster self-regulation in play-based environments, there is limited understanding of what self-regulation is and how best to support it in the day-to-day life of a classroom. One of the major challenges is that there is no universal definition for self-regulation, and with differing definitions comes varying ways of measuring self-regulation. Guiding this study is 3 objectives: 1) to examine the ways self-regulation skills are defined and promoted in policy and practice documents in Canada; 2) to compare this practice-oriented conceptualization of self-regulation with theoretical models of self-regulation, and 3) to develop and disseminate recommendations based on improving clarity in understanding what self-regulation is and how best to foster it in early years contexts. Accordingly, this study represents an important step in supporting kindergarten learning by supporting early years educators and researchers in understanding and fostering self-regulation in kindergarten
Project 2: Assessing self-regulation in play-based contexts
Funding: SEED Grant, Faculty of Education, Queen’s University
This research builds on Study 1 described above and takes a practice-oriented view of self- regulation, generated from an examination of policy documents (Timmons, Pelletier, & Corter, 2016; Timmons, 2019). This view differs from the cognitive-only view of self-regulation in that it acknowledges the importance of learning contexts and interactions between and among children and other educators. As part of Dr. Timmons’ previous research (led by Drs. Janette Pelletier and Carl Corter) the Child Observation Framework (COF) was developed as a tool for researchers to analyze and examine children’s self-regulation and play behaviour. Using the COF, 10 minute observations (running records) are carried out during four classroom contexts: educator-led whole-group time, small group time, transitions between activities and child-chosen free-play time.
Prior to validating the COF, additional refinements to the tool are needed. Preliminary findings have revealed a significant amount of overlap between the child-child and child-educator play and learning items; therefore, these items have been updated to improve clarity. Another issue that was identified was how to observe a student when they were transitioning from one context to another during the 10-minute observational period. Given this issue, we are working to revise the COF to capture more open blocks of time. This is allowing the research team to have a more accurate picture of the daily interactions of a play-based kindergarten classroom. The tool is currently used for research purposes only. We are currently working to revise and validate the COF to allow for classroom use by teachers and early childhood educators.