
Research Gate

Selected Publications

Timmons, K. (Accepted, 2024). The great debate applied to developmentally appropriate practice (DAP):
Moving beyond dichotomies in the early years (Chapter 7). In S. Jagger (Ed.), Early Years
Education and Care in Canada: A Historical and Philosophical Overview
, 2nd Edition Toronto, ON:
Canadian Scholars Press. 

Timmons, K., *Bozek, E., & *Sharp, E. (2023). A Pan-Canadian document analysis:
Examining policies and practices that foster self-regulation in the early years. International
Journal of Early Years Education.

Timmons, K., & Airton, L. (2023). Welcoming gender diversity in the early years: Interpreting professional guiding documents for gender-expansive practice. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 24(1), 32–45.

Timmons, K., Pyle, A., Danniels, E., Cowan, E., & McCann, A. (2022). Teacher expectations
in the early primary grades: A scoping review. Review of Education.

Timmons, K., Cooper, A., Braund, H., and Bozek, E. (2022). Remote teaching and learning in early primary contexts: A qualitative study of teachers and parents during the COVID-19 lockdown (Chapter 21 ). In J. Pattnaik and M. R. Jalongo (Eds.), The Impact of COVID-19 on Early Childhood Education and Care: International Perspectives, Challenges, and Responses Springer Nature. Switzerland AG.

Timmons, K., Cooper, A., Bozek, E., and Braund, H. (2021). The impacts of COVID-19 on early childhood education: Capturing the unique challenges associated with remote teaching and learning in K-2. Early Childhood Education Journal, 49(5), 887-901.
Full Article

Braund, H., & Timmons, K. (2021). Operationalization of self-regulation in the early years: comparing policy with theoretical underpinnings. International Journal of Child Care and Education Policy, 15(1), 8.
Full Article

Cooper, A., & Timmons, K., MacGregor, S. (2021). Exploring how Ontario teachers adapted to learn at home initiatives during COVID-19: Blending technological and pedagogical expertise in a time of growing inequities. Journal of Teaching and Learning, 15(2) 81-101.
Full Article

Pelletier, J., & Timmons, K. (2021). La création d’un équilibre dans les types de regroupement à l’éducation préscolaire (Chapter 10). In A. Charron, J. Lehrer, M. Boudreau & E. Jacob (Eds.), L’éducation préscolaire au Québec: Fondements théoriques et pédagogiques. Quebec, Canada: Les Presses de l’Université du Québec (PUQ).
Available Online

Timmons, K., & Airton, L. (2020). Welcoming gender diversity in the early years: Interpreting professional guiding documents for gender-expansive practice. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood. (Advanced online publication).
Full Article

Timmons, K. (2019). Kindergarten expectations and outcomes: Understanding the influence of educator and child expectations on children's self-regulation, early reading and vocabulary outcomes. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 33(3), 471-489.
Full Article | Open Access Version

Timmons, K. (2019). The great debate applied to developmentally appropriate practice (DAP): Moving beyond dichotomies in the early years (Chapter 7). In S. Jagger (Ed.), Early Years Education and Care in Canada: A Historical and Philosophical Overview, Toronto, ON: Canadian Scholars Press.
Available Online

Heagle, K., Timmons, K., Hargreaves, F., & Pelletier, J. (2019). The social kindergartener: Comparing children's perspectives of full- and half-day kindergarten. In Nicholson. J & Wisneski. D. (Eds.), Reconsidering the Role of Play in Early Childhood: Towards Social Justice and Equity (12 pages). New York, NY: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
Available Online

Timmons, K., & Di Santo, A. (Eds.). (2018). Children’s rights and ACEI’s Love Me, Teach Me Campaign: Practice and policy briefs. Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI).

Underwood, K., Kenneally, N., & Timmons, K. (2018). Cornerstone 1. See me: The child’s right to identity. In K Timmons & A Di Santo (Eds.). (2018). Children’s rights and ACEI’s Love Me, Teach Me Campaign: Practice and policy briefs. Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI).

Di Santo, A., & Timmons, K. (2018). Cornerstone 2. Hear me: The child’s right to participation. In K Timmons & A Di Santo (Eds.). (2018). Children’s rights and ACEI’s Love Me, Teach Me Campaign: Practice and policy briefs. Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI).

Timmons, K. (2018). Educator expectations in Full-Day Kindergarten: Comparing the factors that contribute to the formation of early childhood educator and teacher expectations, Early Childhood Education Journal, 46(6), 613-628.
Full Article | Open Access Version

Heagle, K., Timmons, K., Hargreaves, F., & Pelletier, J. (2017). The social kindergartener: Comparing children's perspectives of full- and half-day kindergarten. Early Child Development and Care, 187(5-6), 223-241.
Full Article

Di Santo, A., Timmons, K., Lenis, A. (2017). Pre-service early childhood educators' pedagogical beliefs. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, 38(3), 223-241.
Full Article | Open Access Version

Timmons, K. (2017). Does self-regulation and engagement differ among classroom grouping, play, and transition contexts? Research in a Nutshell (RiAN), 2(1), 2. Available Online

Timmons, K., & Pelletier, J. (2016). Using latent-class analysis to examine the influence of kindergarten children’s perspectives of school on literacy and self-regulation outcomes. Early Child Development and Care, 186(11), 1737-1751.
Full Article

Di Santo, A., Timmons, K., Pelletier, J. (2016). “Mommy that’s the exit.”: Empowering homeless mothers to support their children’s daily literacy experiences, Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 16(2), 145-170.
Full Article

Timmons, K., Pelletier, J., & Corter, C. (2016). Understanding children’s self-regulation within different classroom contexts. Early Child Development and Care, 186(2), 249-267.
Full Article | Open Access Version

Timmons, K., & Pelletier, J. (2015). Understanding the importance of parent learning in a school-based family literacy programme. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 15(4), 510-532.
Full Article

Media/Creative Outputs

Timmons, K. (2023). Back to School Anticipation. Interview with Global News.

Timmons, K. (2023). The people who shape your learning. Interview with Phil Gaudreau for Queen’s

Timmons, K. (2022). Discussing the OHRC Right to Read Report. Interview with School Magazine.
(William Paul).

Timmons, K. (2022). Sustainability of Ontario’s 10/day child care. CBC.

Timmons, K. (2022). Right to Read Inquiry. Interview with CBC News. (Greg Hobbs)

Timmons, K., & Cooper, A. (2020). Global News sits down with Queen’s experts researching COVID-
19s impact on early childhood education

Using self-regulation to help children deal with stress. Written by graduate student Kristina Silver. (2020)
Available Online

Timmons, K. (2019). Do young children learn from adults they don't like? Blog for the Self-Regulation Institute.
Available Online

Timmons, K., Purgret, L., & Poss, M. (2019). “In conversation with Stephen Hurley of voicEd Radio, #SelfReg in Early Care and Education.
Available Online

Timmons, K. (2018). “Play-based learning as a spectrum with Kristy Timmons” July 6, 2018, podcast.
Available Online

Timmons, K. (2018). Introducing our new faculty member Kristy Timmons. Queen’s Gazette Dec 7 & February 28, 2018.
Available Online

Timmons, K. (2015). Touchy Subject: Is full-day kindergarten too much for four-year-olds? Parents Canada.
Available Online

Selected Conference Presentations

Bozek, E., & Timmons, K. (2024). A Bioecological Understanding of COVID-19 in the Early Years.
Canadian Society for the Study of Education. Montreal: Quebec.

Timmons, K., Braund. H., and Reynolds, J. (2024). Leveraging the results of a collaborative
program evaluation: Building educator capacity to support students with FASD. Canadian Society
for the Study of Education. Montreal: Quebec.

Timmons K., Di Santo, A., *Wormington, T., *Schwass, C., & *Stoliar, M. (2024). A scoping review of tools and resources to assess early learning in emergency contexts. American Educational Research Association (AERA), Conference proceeding and presentation, Philadelphia. 

Di Santo., & Timmons, K., (Accepted, 2024). Developing authentic assessments for early childhood
programs in emergency contexts. 2024 World Forum on Early Care and  Education: Vancouver,

Timmons, K. (2023). Building school capacity to support FASD: A mixed methods evaluation
of British Columbia’s Provincial Outreach Program for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, Kids
Brain Health Network Annual Conference 2023. Ottawa, ON.

Yang, D. D., Timmons, K., Shaikh, M., & Guo, J. (2023, accepted). Shared book reading with infants and
toddlers: The Practices and beliefs of parents from culturally and linguistically diverse
Study of Reading in July 2023, Port Douglas, Queensland, Australia. 

Timmons, K., Braund, H., & Reynolds, J. (2023). A collaborative approach to evaluation:
Assessing an outreach program designed to build educator capacity to support students with
. American Educational Research Association (AERA), Conference proceeding and
presentation, Chicago, IL. 

Timmons, K., Pyle, A., Danniels, E., *Cowan, E., & *McCann, A. (2023). A scoping
review of teacher expectations in the early primary grades.
American Educational Research
Association (AERA), Conference proceeding and presentation, Chicago, IL.

Timmons, K., & Reynolds, J. (2023). A mixed-methods collaborative evaluation designed
to enhance training and build teacher and district capacity to serve students living with FASD
Conference presentation. Presentation at the Division on Autism and Developmental Disabilities
of the Council for Exceptional Children 24th International Conference, Clearwater Beach, FL.

Timmons., K., Braund, H., & Reynolds, J. (2022). A collaborative approach to program
evaluation: Building educator capacity to support students with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum
r. Conference presentation, DOHaD 2022 World Congress 2022, Vancouver: British

Timmons, K., & Cooper, A. (2022). The impact of COVID-19 remote teaching initiatives
in the early years
. International Mind, Brain and Education Society (IMBES), Montreal, Quebec. 

Timmons, K., & Airton, L. (2022). Gender-expansive practice: Welcoming gender
diversity in Ontario early years contexts
. The Canadian Association for Research in Early
Childhood (CAREC), Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE) Post-Conference,
conference presentation, Virtual Meeting. 

Timmons, K., Braund, H., & Reynolds, J. (2022). Evaluating a program designed to prepare educators
for supporting students with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
. Canadian Society for the Study of
Education (CSSE), Conference presentation, Virtual Meeting.

Timmons, K., & Braund, H. (2021). Assessing Self- and Co-Regulation in Kindergarten. Annual conference of the American Educational Research Association, Conference presentation, Virtual AERA Annual Meeting.

Braund, H., Soleas, EK., Deluca, C., & Timmons, K. (2021). Exploring the relationship between teachers’ integration of formative assessment and motivation. Annual conference of the American Educational Research Association, Conference presentation, Virtual AERA Annual Meeting.

Bozek, E., Braund, H., Timmons, K., & Cooper, A. (2021). Early Years Education Amidst a Pandemic: What we’ve learned from Ontario’s “Learn at Home” Initiative. Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE), Conference presentation, Virtual Meeting.

Merchant, S., Kirby, J., & Timmons (2021). Measuring Pre-Service Teachers' Beliefs About Learning and Teaching. Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE), Conference presentation, Virtual Meeting.

Soleas, EK., Braund, H., Deluca, C., & Timmons, K. (2021). Exploring teachers’ integration of formative assessment and motivation. Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE), Conference presentation, Virtual Meeting.

Shurr, J., Timmons, K., Butler, A., Yang, D., & Shaikh, M. (2021). Transition to kindergarten: A review of formalized school supports for students with autism. Presentation at the Division on Autism and Developmental Disabilities of the Council for Exceptional Children 22nd International Conference, Clearwater Beach, FL, Virtual Meeting.

*Timmons, K., & Braund, H. (2020). Refinement of an observational framework for assessing opportunities for self-regulation in play-based kindergarten. Paper submitted to the annual conference of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, California. *Cancelled due to COVID-19

*Timmons, K. (2020). A Pan-Canadian document analysis: Examining practices that foster self-regulation in the early years. Paper submitted to Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE), Conference presentation, Western University, London: ON. *Cancelled due to COVID-19

*Timmons, K., & Airton, L. (2020). Welcoming gender diversity in the early years classroom: Interpreting the profession’s guiding documents for gender-expansive practice. Paper submitted to Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE), Conference presentation, Western University, London: ON. *Cancelled due to COVID-19

Timmons, K. (2019). The influence of educator expectations on kindergarten children’s self-regulation, early reading, and vocabulary outcomes. 2019 Forum on Child Development and Education, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Suzhou, China.

Timmons, K. (2019). Unpacking educator expectations and student outcomes in the early years. Invited Keynote Presentation, Sino-Canadian Symposium Teacher Professional Development: Knowledge, Behavior and Cognitive Processes, South China Normal University, Guangzhou, China.

Timmons, K., Pelletier, J., Corter, C., & Sharp, E. (2019). Developing an observational framework for assessing opportunities for self-regulation in play-based kindergarten. Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE), Conference presentation, University of British Columbia, Vancouver: BC.

Braund, H., & Timmons, K. (2019). Operationalization of self-regulation in the early years: How does it compare to theoretical underpinnings? Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE), Conference presentation, University of British Columbia, Vancouver: BC.

Timmons, K. (2019). Understanding educator expectations in kindergarten: The influence of expectations on children’s self-regulation and early literacy outcomes. American Educational Research Association (AERA), Conference proceeding and presentation, Toronto: ON.

Timmons, K., Pelletier, J., Corter, C., & Braund, H. (2019). Review of curricula: Examining early childhood policies and practices to foster self-regulation. American Educational Research Association (AERA), Conference proceeding and presentation, Toronto: ON.

Timmons, K. (2018). Understanding the impact of expectations in Kindergarten. Jean Piaget Symposium, The Dynamics of Development: Process, (Inter-)Action, & Complexity, Conference proceeding and presentation, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Airton, L., & Timmons, K. (2018). Understanding gender dynamics and welcoming gender diversity in pre-k spaces. Workshop for Early Childhood Educators from Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox & Addington Public Health, October 1st.

Timmons, K. (2018). Fostering Self-Regulation in Early Years Contexts. Self-Regulation Institute (SRI), Trent University, Peterborough, ON.

Timmons, K., & Pelletier, J. (2017). Influence of educator and child expectations on children’s self-regulation and literacy outcomes in kindergarten. The 14th Annual Summer Institute on Early Childhood Development, Addressing Inequity in Canada through Early Childhood Education, Conference Presentation, OISE, Toronto: ON.

Timmons, K. (2017). Influence of educator and child expectations on kindergarten children’s learning outcomes. Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE), Conference presentation, Ryerson University, Toronto: ON.

Timmons, K. (2017). Development of the Child Observation Framework (COF): Evaluating opportunities for self-regulation and play behaviour in Kindergarten. Queen’s Faculty of Education Academic Research Showcase (F.E.A.R.S.), Pecha Kucha Presentation.

Timmons, K., Pelletier, J., & Corter, C. (2015). Self-regulation in kindergarten contexts. American Educational Research Association (AERA), Conference proceeding and presentation, Chicago: IL.

Heagle, K., Timmons, K., Hargreaves, F., & Pelletier, J. (2015). The social kindergartener: Comparing children's perspectives of full- and half-day kindergarten. Annual Meeting of the Jean Piaget Society, Conference presentation, Toronto: ON.

Timmons, K., & Pelletier, J. (2014). Lasting effects of kindergarten family literacy intervention programs. American Educational Research Association (AERA), Conference proceeding and presentation, Pennsylvania: Philadelphia.

Pelletier, J., Timmons, K., Rothschild, R. (2014). Children’s social and self-regulation outcomes in Ontario’s FDELK Programs. Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE), Conference presentation, Brock University, St. Catharines: ON.

Timmons, K., & Pelletier, J. (2013). Understanding parent learning in a family literacy program. Annual Meeting of the Jean Piaget Society, Conference presentation, Chicago: IL.

Timmons, K., Di Santo, A., & Pelletier, J. (2013). Literacy and poverty: Supporting homeless mothers in their role as their child’s first literacy mentor. Annual Meeting of the Jean Piaget Society, Conference presentation, Chicago: IL.

Timmons, K., Di Santo, A., & Pelletier, J. (2012). Family literacy program for preschool children living in a residential home. Connaught Global Challenge International Symposium, Conference presentation, Institute for Human Development, Toronto: ON.

Timmons, K., & Di Santo, A. (2011). Reaching every child: Offering homeless preschool children and their mothers literacy experiences. Association for Childhood Education International Conference (ACEI), Conference presentation, New Orleans: Louisiana.